America Film Festival Coming in December!


Welcome to Sunscope’s Locations

Sunscope connects to property owners and renters interested in booking your space for filming, photoshoots and events. We do it all for you with the security to know you will receive payment and the proper insurance to secure your property.


Sunscope markets your location using full-text search, allowing renters to search by style, name, area, features and types. Our trained location specialist then respond to every inquiry the way the media industry understands to be comfortable enough to confirm.

Pricing of Property

We negotiate the pricing according to market trends according to a range we communicate to the property owner. It’s all based on foot traffic and impact. 10 people will cost less than 30 people, for example.

Site Representation and Security

We require one of our site representative to bridge the communication and to keep secure the visit. We charge the client who is paying an extra amount.


All payments are collected before the shoot, processed and paid to the owner within the week.


Sunscope collects property owners with liability and property damage insurance, protecting you against:

  • Bodily injury claims from the renter if they injure themselves on your property
  • Claims that arise from the renter if they damage their own equipment on your property
  • Claims that arise from the renter if their property gets stolen
  • Property damage naming you as an additional insured.

Dispute Resolution

Sunscope provides free dispute resolution in cases of damages or overtime. We will always get involved and make sure that our property owners are paid what they are owed.