Concept Trailer

GUYS IN POLOS is a fun action-comedy. In a twist of betrayal, encountering all sorts of gangsters, larger-than-life gregarious characters, Francis Breathnach is contracted by Vincenzo Spumante from the Spumante Estate to validate a Picasso painting that dates back to their Great, Great Grandfather Mateo Francisco Agapito. Vincenzo hands over the Picasso in question to Francis with a pocket full of cash, so to travel to Paris and Spain to meet the Picasso family, and get the painting validated. Once validated, the painting will increase in value substantially.

However, Francis can’t help but be tempted to sell the painting. All roads lead to Puerto Banús, Spain, where his Brit associates, Jason, and Lord Yuvraj, meet Francis to help with the sale. Things get more complicated when Jason decides to steal the Picasso for his Russian creditors. Little does Jason know, Francis brought a forgery instead of the real Picasso. When the Russians find out, they kidnap the two Brits and the Yank and lock them up in a cave. They find a way out through the sewer system wearing only their skivvies and Francis slips back to Los Angeles leaving the Brits to Jason’s creditors who capture them again and pressure them to recover the real Picasso, or else, so off to LA they go after Francis.

Meanwhile, the impatient and paranoid Vincenzo Spumante sends his own thugs to pick up Francis and the painting but Francis gets abducted, first, by an LA-based Russian gain. Of course, Francis is on the FBI’s radar seeing that Vincenzo has reported the painting stolen. Francis escapes again, but not without a bullet in his shoulder. He roams the desert half-alive, and in his dying moments, he reveals everything to two Mexican American sisters who take him in and nurse him back to health. Meanwhile, the family, different sets of mobsters, gangs, and the FBI verge in on them. With guns blazing from all directions, the two sisters defend Francis for the Picasso.

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