El Gobernador
Title: El Gobernador (2019)Language: SpanishGenres: Action, Drama, ThrillerDirector: José Carmona Writers: Juan Manuel Rodríguez (story and screenplay) and Ron Cobert (additional material) Producers: Rosalina Gomez, [Read More…]
We are thrilled to announce that Sunscope Entertainment, a dynamic player in the entertainment industry, has an impressive lineup of titles available for licensing.
Our diverse catalog includes captivating movies and TV programming that cater to various genres and audience preferences. Whether you’re looking for gripping dramas, thrilling action, heartwarming stories, or cutting-edge documentaries, Sunscope Entertainment has something for everyone.
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Title: El Gobernador (2019)Language: SpanishGenres: Action, Drama, ThrillerDirector: José Carmona Writers: Juan Manuel Rodríguez (story and screenplay) and Ron Cobert (additional material) Producers: Rosalina Gomez, [Read More…]
Sunscope Entertainment presents ACCOUNTABLE, a gripping crime drama that delves deep into the consequences of alcoholism, depression, and abuse. Directed by Matthew Heaven, this film [Read More…]
Are you looking for a raunchy, hilarious, and unapologetically female-driven comedy to add to your programming lineup? Look no further than “Naughty Girl Comedy,” the [Read More…]