“Moon Over Sorrento” is a lively, heartwarming dramedy about a spirited Tampa family tackling the curveball of a lifetime, living with cancer. When Monica, the matriarch and fashion dreamer, is diagnosed with a brain tumor, her unshakable positivity, faith, and sheer stubbornness rally her quirky crew to turn tragedy into triumph—all while chasing her dream of designing the perfect wedding dress for a family trip to Italy.
Meet Monica Collins—a fiery wife, mom, and aspiring fashion designer who’s kept her creative dreams on hold to wrangle her busy family, including her overworked husband Roger, two very different daughters Sarah and Nikki, and Rocco, the chihuahua who probably runs the show. When Monica gets the chance to design her niece’s wedding dress for a dreamy ceremony in Sorrento, Italy, she feels like her time to shine has finally come.
But just as her scissors start snipping and her inspiration soars, life drops a plot twist: Monica has a brain tumor. Naturally, she’s not about to let that stop her. With Roger fumbling his way into being a more present husband (eventually), her daughters navigating their own brand of chaos, and Monica herself determined to make the trip to Italy happen, the Collins family finds a way to laugh, cry, and sew their way through it.
In the glow of Sorrento’s moonlit skies, Monica’s determination stitches her family closer together than ever, proving that while life may throw curveballs, love and resilience are the best counterpunches.
This story was inspired by two extraordinary women. My writing partner, Marie, introduced me to Cynthia—a remarkable force of nature who faced her battle with a brain tumor with unwavering strength, sharp wit, and a resilience that touched everyone who knew her. Though Cynthia ultimately lost her fight, her spirit continues to radiate, and Moon Over Sorrento is our heartfelt tribute to her enduring light.
Now, after 19 revisions, I’ve reimagined what Marie Cooper originally wrote, transforming this story into a heartfelt celebration of love, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds that sustain us through life’s toughest challenges—all while fulfilling a bucket-list dream in the midst of living with cancer.
We are in the midst of launching a significant film titled “Moon Over Sorrento.” This project is close to our hearts as it not only tells a touching and heartfelt story but also raises awareness about the struggles of those living with or impacted by brain cancer.
Written by Ron Cobert of Sunscope Entertainment and Marie Cooper of October Films, “Moon Over Sorrento” is a lively, heartwarming dramedy about a spirited Tampa family tackling the curveball of a lifetime. When Monica, the matriarch and a fashion dreamer, is diagnosed with a brain tumor, her unshakable positivity, faith, and sheer stubbornness rally her quirky crew to transform tragedy into triumph. Monica’s journey of chasing her dream to design the perfect wedding dress for a family trip to Italy exemplifies the resilience, humor, and love that define her family’s extraordinary story.
We hope that, with your support, this film’s success will impact lives forever. Your contribution would ensure that this project moves in the right direction, reaches a wider audience, and spreads invaluable information about such an important cause.
I’m here to answer any questions you may have. When you’re ready to help us make a difference, let me know your preferred level of involvement. From there, we can iron out the details of the best way to show our gratitude and recognize your generosity.
I appreciate your consideration and all that you’re already doing to make the world a better place.
We’re looking forward to working with you!
Be a part of the Moon Over Sorrento journey by championing this heartfelt and humorous tale of a family navigating life, love, and the unthinkable. This film not only highlights the emotional and practical realities of battling a brain tumor but also shines a light on the need for innovation in cancer treatment. With opportunities for both for-profit and nonprofit brand integration, join us in creating a movie that touches hearts while paving the way for meaningful financial and research contributions.
- Monica (40s-50s): A bold, funny mom who balances family, dreams, and a brain tumor with unmatched sass and resilience. She’s on a mission to finish her niece’s wedding dress while managing her family’s chaos—and Roger’s chronic cluelessness.
- Roger (40s-50s): A finance guy married to his job—and Monica. When her diagnosis turns their world upside down, he learns that sometimes spreadsheets can wait, and real love means showing up.
- Nikki (20s): The wild child. Nikki’s party streak and her mom’s disapproval fuel plenty of drama, but when Monica’s diagnosis hits, Nikki does a 180 and finds her heart—and her family’s support.
- Sarah (late teens): The responsible one. Sarah is a college-focused, no-nonsense daughter torn between helping her family and navigating her feelings for Marco, an ambitious Italian-American who’s not giving up on her.
- Marco (early 20s): Handsome, charming, and full of ambition, Marco is determined to win Sarah’s heart while building a wine empire. A real multitasker.
- Alexa (40s-50s): Monica’s larger-than-life best friend and fellow real estate agent. She’s got Monica’s back, whether it’s selling houses, cracking jokes, or saving her life—literally.
- Leo (early 20s): Nikki’s ride-or-die (and maybe-boyfriend?). Almost homeless, and Nikki’s biggest cheerleader.
- Nonna (80s): Lovably senile and hilariously inappropriate, Nonna keeps things lively with her offbeat wisdom and occasional ghostly musings about her late husband’s friend.
- Dr. Roberts (30s): Monica’s doctor, armed with dry humor and straight talk. He’s determined to get Monica through treatment with her smile (and sarcasm) intact.
- Christoff (40s): Roger’s work partner and occasional nemesis. While he initially adds stress, even Christoff can’t resist the Collins family’s resilience.
Moon Over Sorrento is more than just a movie—it’s a love letter to life’s messy, beautiful moments. Ready to join us in making it a reality?